Where can I buy LOUIS XIII Cognac near me?

LOUIS XIII Cognac is available to purchase through the official LOUIS XIII websites, in-store at a LOUIS XIII boutique, or at select luxury retailers worldwide. To find a LOUIS XIII boutique or retailer near you, please use the LOUIS XIII locator.

Discover the multiple facets of LOUIS XIII at our LOUIS XIII boutiques in Cognac, London, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’An, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Hefei and Suzhou. Each boutique draws inspiration from LOUIS XIII’s heritage, vividly interpreting the French art-de-vivre. Discover the full permanent collection from THE DROP to the Mathusalem, and the limited editions built on LOUIS XIII’s heritage such as the iconic RARE CASK collection. Alongside its emblematic creations, LOUIS XIII boutiques also offer exclusive services, such as a LOUIS XIII tasting and decanter personalizations, enhancing the custom LOUIS XIII journey.

LOUIS XIII Cognac is also available by the glass at several prestigious bars, restaurants and hotels all over the world. To find a venue near you, please use the LOUIS XIII locator.

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Time Collection: City of Lights – 1900

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Time Collection: City of Lights – 1900